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Contatti: tel. 0573-83541 fax 0573-838327 - P.IVAE C.F.00327690475
Email: eduscamop@gmail.com
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Edusca Mop has its headquarters in Larciano (PT) in the heart of Tuscany and is a leading manufacturer of mops.

Today Edusca Mop is an original, able and is particularly appreciated in the domestic market for its products, made with care and tested to strict quality highly specialized.

Its history is identified with the story of the family. It all began in 1960, from the initiative of its founder, from which it takes its name: EDUSCA.

Edusca, assisted by her husband Argante, is renowned for its excellent technical skill and creativity, combined with an unusual entrepreneurial skills that lead to lay the foundations of today's reality.
The tradition continues with his sons Giuseppe and Giovanna, supported by the precious help of the son Massimo.

The large experience in this field, the continuous research in the field of materials, workmanship and technological innovation have led the company to a production level of superior quality that offers the highest reliability guarantees